Friday, February 29, 2008

Yam's & Niyama's say's

Moral ideals (Yama's):
Non-violence (Ahimsa)
Truthfulness (Satya)
Honesty (Asteya)
Chastity (Brahmacarya)
Non-covetousness (Aparigraha)
Moral principles (Niyama's):
Purity (Shauca)
Contentment (Santosha)
Austerity (Tapas)
Self-study (Svadhyaya)
Surrender (Ishvar-Pranidhan)

Yog-"A gift of india to world"

It is one of the most precious and wonderful gift which come out from india and spread in the world...
Yoga is orignally come out from the word "YUG " which means "to unite"